Run for Office

The key to making the right things happen, is having elected officials who believe in our goals and mission.  That’s why you should run for office.

You might want to start by running for an elected office in your town: Select Board, Board of Education, Trustee of the Trust Funds, Supervisor of the Checklist, etc.

There are 400 members of the NH State House of Representatives who are elected every two years, and we’re always looking for good candidates to run for these offices.  Here’s a list of the State Rep positions for Northern Grafton County:

House District 01 –  Two State Representatives serve Bethlehem and Littleton

House District 02 – State Representative serves Franconia, Lisbon, Lyman, Monroe, and Sugar Hill

House District 03 – State Representative serves Bath, Benton, Easton, and Landaff, as well as Orford, Piermont and Warren.

House District 04 – State Representative serves Haverhill (including North Haverhill, Pike, and Woodsville)

House District 14 – referred to as a “Floterial” district – State Representative serves Bethlehem, Littleton, Franconia, Lisbon, Lyman, Monroe and Sugar Hill

House District 15 – referred to as a “Floterial” district – State Representative serves Bath, Benton, Easton, Landaff, Orford, Piermont, Warren, and Haverhill.

There are only 24 members of the NH State Senate.  They are also elected every two years.  Northern Grafton County towns except for Haverhill are represented by the senator from NH State Senate District 01.  The town of Haverhill is part of NH State Senate District 02.

When you decide to run for office, the Northern Grafton County Democrats can help you with your campaign – make calls for you, knock on doors with you, display or hold your signs, help you raise money for your campaign, etc.  Those of us who have run for public office, are willing to share our experiences about what we did and how we did it.

Sign-up for more information here and be connected to the New Hampshire Democratic Party candidate interest form.