Article 1. Name
Northern Grafton County Democrats By-Laws
The name of the organization is “Northern Grafton County Democrats.”
Article 2. Regional Committee
The Northern Grafton County Democrats (the Committee) shall serve as a regional committee of the New Hampshire Democratic Party for the towns of Bath, Benton, Bethlehem, Easton, Franconia, Haverhill, Landaff, Lisbon, Littleton, Lyman, Monroe, and Sugar Hill.
Article 3. Purpose
The purpose of the Committee shall be to recruit, organize and fund Democratic candidates for county, state and national office; promote local Democratic party-building activities; improve communication and coordination between the New Hampshire Democratic Party and its members in the Northern Grafton County region; and promote the development of an engaged, informed electorate through constructive public dialogue.
Article 4. Membership
Any Democrat registered to vote in the towns of Bath, Benton, Bethlehem, Easton, Franconia, Haverhill, Landaff, Lisbon, Littleton, Lyman, Monroe, and Sugar Hill who attends at least one meeting of the Northern Grafton County Democrats in a calendar year shall be a member.
Article 5. Officers
The following officers shall be elected by members at the organizational meeting on October 25, 2007, to serve until January of 2009 (14 months); thereafter officers will be elected every two years beginning in 2009.
5.01. Chair: The Chair shall preside over all meetings of the Committee and provide leadership consistent with the interests of the Democratic Party and Democratic Candidates for public office in general elections. The Chair (or designee) will attend all meetings of the County Committee and cooperate with the reasonable requests of the State Democratic Party acting through the State Committee or the County Committee.
5.02. Vice Chair: The Vice Chair shall undertake all the duties of the Chair when the Chair is unavailable. The Vice Chair is responsible for maintaining a list of active members of the Committee and to increase membership of the Committee and the number of active members.
5.03. Secretary: The Secretary shall be the Committee’s Chief Information Officer. The Secretary shall record minutes of all committee meetings and distribute them to the membership within two weeks of each meeting. The Secretary shall organize and maintain all Committee files and records and shall have responsibility for oversight of the content of the group’s website:
5.04.Treasurer: The Treasurer shall manage all funds belonging to the Committee, keep proper records of all receipts and payments, and furnish an up-to- date financial report to the membership at each Committee meeting.
5.05. Town Chair Liaison: The Town Chair Liaison shall maintain regular communication with the chairs of the town committees in the region and between the town chairs and the Executive Committee; assist in recruiting members to run for open town chair positions and support the work of the town committees and encourage their cooperative efforts among the local town committees.
Article 6. Meetings
The Committee shall meet at least 6 times per year. Notice of meetings shall be sent by means calculated to assure the broadest possible attendance.
Article 7. Special Meetings/Disputes
The Chair (or Vice Chair in the absence of the Chair) may call special meetings from time to time. Such special meetings shall be held at the time and place specified in the notice, and business transacted thereat shall be confined to the specific purpose or purposes stated in the notice of the meeting.
Article 8. Standing/Ad Hoc Committees
The following committees shall be formed.
8.01. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee will be made up of the Officers of the Northern Grafton County Democrats and the Town Chair Liaison. The Executive Committee will meet quarterly to review past activities and propose new initiatives and efforts to increase public awareness and build good will for the organization. The Executive Committee has the power to remove officers who no longer participate and to fill terms resulting from vacancies.
8.02. Ad Hoc Committee: All other committees shall be appointed or terminated by the Chair as is necessary to promote the purpose of the Committee.
Article 9. By-Laws Amendment
The Northern Grafton Country Democrats may amend these by-laws at any properly noticed meeting by a two-thirds vote, provided there are at least ten (10) members present at the time. Amendments to the by-laws must be proposed at one meeting and voted on at a following meeting of the Committee.
Adopted as amended on November 27, 2017
Douglas E. Evelyn, Secretary